Yin and Yang Mittens

A few years ago, on Ravelry, I found a pattern for crocheted Yin and Yang mittens.  I made a set of mittens for Bennett out of some lovely Malibrigo yarn, and Etienne has now outgrown them, so it was time for some new pairs.

Etienne’s favorite colors are purple and red and he went with purple when asked what color mittens he’d like. So I went on a yarn hunt.  I found Cloverhill Yarn Shop fairly easily and I kick myself for not venturing out sooner.  The ladies there were very helpful and the yarns were amazing.

I settled on some hand dyed  Ewe So Wooly Worsted Superwash Merino from Tempting Ewe Yarns… soooo yummy! The color is a variegated purple titled “Dark Crystal.”

The resulting mittens…


I did make some slight changes to the pattern this time around.  I made the finger section one round longer, the thumb one stitch wider, and the cuts longer for sleeve/coat overlap.

He was very happy with his new purple mittens!










I feel like I made the join on the inside of the thumb and at the cuffs much better this time, and the second mitten was better than the first.








They’ve already seen a trip outside to play.







The next pair is for Bennett, now 6, so the size needs to be bumped up a couple of stitches. They’ll be pink.


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1 Response to Yin and Yang Mittens

  1. Those are awesome – and the color is so pretty! :-)

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